Fat Thighs - Garnerstyle

Fat Thighs

I'm not going on vacation until July and pretty much by then summer will be over, so I decided to have some fun a do little editorial-ish swimwear look.  I also thought this would be a good time to talk about my swimwear insecurities and how I work to get through them.  I feel about my legs how some women feel about their arms.  I think my legs are pretty terrible, but I definitely don't dwell on it.  It is what it is.  I have always had really big thighs packed with a lot cellulite, because that's always fun right.  LOL.   Here are some things that have allowed me to work through my own issues.  First off, I work hard and I like a nice vacation.  This involves a lot of my hard earned money, so if  you think I'm going to sit on a beautiful beach somewhere tropical thinking about my thighs after I have spent my hard earned coins you got another thing coming.  To second that, I love swimwear and I love the beach and swimming it just doesn't seem right to spend it all covered up.  Second, I love a fancy cover-up, it's where I get to bring in the fashion element that I love.  I incorporate them into my beach look.  Finally, I tore my ACL in 2008, had surgery in 2009. Until I had my surgery, I was on crutches and in a brace.  Let's just say it was the worst, but through that I gained a real appreciation for the fact that I have two working legs.  They may not be the prettiest, but they work and I can't be mad at that.  I consider myself to be a very logical person, so I think my reasons are more logical than emotional. I hope this helps a little. 

Style Note: I actually have on two bottoms.  From an aesthetic standpoint I love this suit, but from a plus size friendly standpoint it's not the most plus friendly.  The strap on the top is thin and the high waist bottoms are not so high waisted.  I subbed in a pair of black high waist bottom from Lane Bryant to give me my desired coverage.  I did swim and move around in the double bottoms and it didn't feel weird or tight, I did feel more secure. 

Suit Top - ASOS, Suit Bottom - ASOS, Black Bottom (underneath) - Lane Bryant, Sheer Shirtdress - AshleyNellTipton, 'Fashion Crop Top' - ShopGarnerstyle, SwimBag - H&M, Sunnies - TomFord, Body Chain - ShopGarnerstyle, Shoes - Lane Bryant, Sheer Pants - SimplyBE


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It women like you who are changing the world. Proving that we all deserve to look hot and enjoy ourselves regardless of our dress size. Thank you for potting yourself out there. You give me courage and hope. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. You go girl! You are beautiful, wonderful, smart, talented, kind, and awesome! Why should perceived "thigh issues" hold back all that fabulousness?! Love your logic and your love for your body - you are beautiful and help us to love ourselves more. :-)

  3. You are definately right, I used to have a great friend and his motto was 'life is for living' and suddenly one day he was no more and I realized what his words really meant. We have to make the most of our lives, with whatever we have to enjoy it and I also started wearing bikini only very recently. I loved this bikini online and like it on you, although it really depends on one's shape, I am top heavier and thus really high waisted bottoms look strange on me, so I would prefer this length as my torso is shorter.

  4. Such a cute look! The black and white looks very classy and sophisticated, especially with the gold accessories. Thanks for posting this!

  5. Hello,Ciao Chastity...great post...lovely photos...charming Swimwear...W the Sunshine and W the Curves !

  6. I love your style, but your attitude is something I really love. Thank you for making sense of your body in a world that tells you you should feel otherwise! I love, love, love your blog and you look freakin' stunning in all of your clothes. Thanks for the thigh pep talk, I have those same thighs and they need a little acceptance on my part. Love you.

    1. Thank you and confidence and being comfortable with yourself is a process. It doesn't happen overnight. Take little steps here and there and before you know you'll be A OK. LOL.

    2. You look awesome. I'm looking forward to dressing more outstanding this year. my problem is my stomach and back fat.... How do I hide that?

  7. thanks for the plus size body chain!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you for your honesty and openess. This really helps me in working through my insecurities in the swimsuit area. I have had five foot surgeries and now have varicose vein legs. I'm trying to break free of the chains I have put on myself.

  10. Thank you for your honesty and openess. This really helps me in working through my insecurities in the swimsuit area. I have had five foot surgeries and now have varicose vein legs. I'm trying to break free of the chains I have put on myself.

  11. First let me say that I didn't notice your legs because your look is flawless! I too have cellulite thighs and my arms, well, they do their own thing. However, your look is fab and has given me the courage to just be. Thank you for posting! - Rtistry

  12. Garner Style you have NO IDEA of how much you are a inspiration to me and plus size women all over the world...I'm over here crying my eyes out...THANK YOU SO MUCH...MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU

    1. Ahhh thank you love...this is one that is a little emotional for me too. This is such a hard area for me to put out into the world. #woosaaaa

  13. Do you only have the shirt dress buttoned at the neck? The website doesn't look like the way you have it here. I like your way better

    1. Thank you and yes, but you can button it all the way down if you like...it's just a matter of styling.

  14. U r the reason why i love me a full figure woman. Flawless

  15. You look great!! I definitely understand the battle of the thighs...lol! I love them and embrace them. I would like to know your thoughts on the LB high waist brief. Does it run true to side, should I order up or down? I've been feeling this two piece look for a couple summers now, and I think this summer will be the one I step out and embrace my body in a two piece!!! Thanks so much and I love your blog and I'm a fan all the way in Dubai, UAE!

  16. You look great!! I definitely understand the battle of the thighs...lol! I love them and embrace them. I would like to know your thoughts on the LB high waist brief. Does it run true to side, should I order up or down? I've been feeling this two piece look for a couple summers now, and I think this summer will be the one I step out and embrace my body in a two piece!!! Thanks so much and I love your blog and I'm a fan all the way in Dubai, UAE!

    1. Hi Chenille. Oooh Dubai...I'll get there one day. Yeah the briefs are true to size...and some of the nicer swimsuit bottoms I own.

    2. Well you're welcome to come and have a meet up here!! I'm from Alabama but working in Dubai! It's beautiful here and I encourage anyone that can stand the flight, to come! As far as the LB swim bottoms, thanks for review. I'm bottom heavy as well and definitely value your opinion. I have their swim shorts and love them! I was just afraid the briefs didn't come up high enough. Thanks, love your blog, and take care!

  17. U r the reason why i love me a full figure woman. Flawless

  18. You always look amazing... Every thick thigh girl has those issues and we shouldn't care!!!!

  19. You always look amazing... Every thick thigh girl has those issues and we shouldn't care!!!!

  20. Love, love your confidence! I totally agree, the beach is for swimsuits, not hiding yourself. Be grateful for what you have and have fun.

  21. I love the boldness and inspiration you're sending out with this blog post Chastity! You look awesome and you're demonstrating that beauty comes in every size and shape. Thank you for this.💞💕💜👌

  22. OMG I'm so glad I ran across this. I going on vacation in July and have been searching high and low for a bathing suit (one piece) with a skirt around it to hide my FAT THIGHS...LOL...I am completely fine with the rest of my body except my thighs. I dislike wearing shorts or short dresses. But not anymore...I think I'll go get that two piece high waist set I've had my eye on!!! With my eyes a little teary I thank you so much!! You're an angel!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I absolutely love this look. And how you feel about your thighs is how I feel about my arms. But I get what you mean about working too hard to cover up. You look phenomenal!

  25. Beautiful! I love the cover up and those sunnies!

  26. Thank you for sharing! I too share some I'll feelings toward my thigh cellulite, but my stomach is the real culprit of my bathing suit insecurities. It took a trip to Miami Beach for me to realize the same points that you have made. I am who I am and when you are on Miami Beach (or anywhere near water), you wear beach attire. I actually had to run out and buy a swimsuit (overpriced) because I did not plan on wearing one. Lesson learned! Thanks again for the dialogue Chastity!!

  27. Thank you for sharing! I too share some I'll feelings toward my thigh cellulite, but my stomach is the real culprit of my bathing suit insecurities. It took a trip to Miami Beach for me to realize the same points that you have made. I am who I am and when you are on Miami Beach (or anywhere near water), you wear beach attire. I actually had to run out and buy a swimsuit (overpriced) because I did not plan on wearing one. Lesson learned! Thanks again for the dialogue Chastity!!

  28. I love this and I love your rationale. I have just started feeling the same way about my thighs. I have had four kids and some parts of me I dont care for lol but its all part of me and I have as much right as anyone to wear what makes me feel confident and beautiful. Thank you so much for this share.

  29. Chile if you ain't SHARP!!!!!!!!! Like you, my thighs are the one and only reason why I don't wear bathing suits. I still have a lot to work on as far as accepting them. But, seeing you have given me hope that I will let go of my insecurities and wear what I wanna wear. Because at the end of the day, it's all about what makes me happy and feel my best. Thank you for your inspiration.

  30. I love the look you made it work for you , thanks for the confidence booster

  31. You look FAB Chasity as always!!! Seeing you in your bathing suits inspired me to start wearing bathing suits again and even two pieces I am super insecure about my legs and my arms but at the end of the day I have learned to not let it stop me from enjoying my vacation and to be grateful I have arms and legs..Thanks for being you!!!

  32. I read a quote from Anne Lamott the other day about wasting our lives worrying about our thighs. And I decided I AM DONE. I want to be in the pool playing with my three beautiful kids, loving life, not worrying about people thinking about my thighs in a bathing suit. Because they are probably not. I put on a suit the other night and actually thought about taking a picture and posting it, even though I don't do much fashion blogging. Just to say LOOK WORLD. I AM OK WITH THIS.

    I love your suit. I would love a nice cover-up, makes it look so fancy!

  33. LOVE your swimwear, LOVE your attitude even more. Ladies, the pool/ ocean/ sea is too darn nice on a hot day to worry about people seeing your legs/arms/belly. Get in that water and your legs/arms/belly will thank you for showing them some mercy and letting them cool off!

  34. Awesome swimsuits, girlie!! I got so inspired I went to the fabulous swimsuitsforall.com and bought my first bathing suit in years, a pretty, flowery tankini. I can't wait to get it and hit the pool! You're such an inspiration. xo

  35. your bikini looks amazing and you make it look great! im glad that i have a similar kimono to cover up when going to the pool. my legs are for me a "problem" as well but like you said Im glad they are working. My legs were in terrible "shape" when I came back from a trip to guatemala and I promised myself that if they heal again, I would never complain about them. Ive caught myself complaining but then I stop and am happy that I can walk and run!

  36. Just came back from Cancun and I have been feeling that way for a way. Arms too. I am not going to be fat and hot. I am going to be fat and HAWT. I wear better and cuter swimwear than most women I see at the pool or beach. Work what you got and enjoy your life. Thanks for the idea of the 2 bottoms. I have skipped some suits because of coverage and that is a great idea.

  37. I remember when I first found your blog and how happy I was to find someone who looked like me...there's lots of gorgeous plus size bloggers with crazy style out there, but I still hadn't found one with my shape until I came across yours. You have given me so much inspiration to not only accept my shape, but also to celebrate it. This post today makes me so happy, and really sparks my own self-confidence. I love to swim, but due to my insecurities over my thighs/legs, I hadn't actually GONE swimming in over 15 years. Pretty sad for someone who lives on an island famed for its beaches! It was only last year that I finally took a deep breath and finally bared my thighs to the sun, and had an AMAZING TIME with my family, realizing that it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of my legs as long as I am enjoying myself. So thank you for that, and thank you for this, and thank you for all of your future posts.

    1. Noooooo! Yes ma'am you were long overdue! I need you to get out there more and have a good.

      P.S. I'm jealous you live close to to nice beaches.

  38. I have felt the same way about my thighs and it didn't help having the nickname"fat legs"since I was a baby. Thank you for helping me to see that our thighs are more than just the way they look. As long as we can walk/run and stand we should be thankful. Plus, skinny thighs wouldn't be able to hold up a big butt lol. Must love fat thighs!

  39. You are such an inspiration! I can't stand my thighs! I won't even wear shorts. This article and your pics have instantly inspired me to let that go! Thank you sooooooooo much! You look awesome, ad always!

  40. Loovvvee this article Chastity! I stopped wearing shorts because I hate my thighs also, I'm slowly building my confidence though and thanks to you Chastity, you're such an inspiration, I'm ready to flaunt a a fatkini

  41. Wow you look great. Love the article!! I never wore shorts in my whole life til I reached 23!!! Still never wear a traditional bathing suit becauss of my insecurities! Im almost 24 and its time im about t ok take a trip to the beach and im ready to enjoy it and not think about it. But its hard to dind suits that flatter a thick thigh large breasted woman. But I wont give up You look amazing!

    1. Try Lane Bryant. They have cute styles with built in bras for support.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This life is to short too worry about what we don't have! Let's focus on the positive things we have and will make our life much happier. I love your attitude and that make you look even more beautiful. I like the vintage feel or your swimsuit and the sheer cover up is so sexy.
    You have a new follower here ;-)

  44. Ah I hate my thighs but I love me some ME! �� good post for us #bigbottomedgirls

  45. Chastity, I am so happy that you and other plus size bloggers open up and share your insecurities with other women. For one it helps keep me motivated and encouraged that I am not the only one who feels the same way. You are actually the first blogger that opened my eyes to the plus size clothing/community/blogs. I never imagined someone my size can wear clothing the same way regular sized women because of the way I was raised (boy clothing and oversized clothes) and put down by family and society about my weight. My perspective of fashion is WAYYY different from last year. Because of the plus size bloggers, I have gained a whole load of confidence (a 360 turn around) and when I am down I can always depend on you and the other bloggers to brighten my day, so to that I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  46. Hi FIVE! From one big legged girl to another!

  47. Fat thighs maybe, but your skin is clean and healthy! Yes gawdddddddddd! Whoot!

  48. der badeanzug wäre auch was für mich-------bin wie immer von dir begeistert---was machst du beruflich
    ---das ewige klamotten kaufen muss doch auch ins geld gehen ---lg beate p.s. : würde mich über eine antwort freuen

  49. Go girl! Beautiful..

  50. I love love love that you doubled up those bottoms! I had been looking at the same bottoms at ASOS knowing they would be much to short for me to feel comfortable. It didn't even occur to me that it would be alright to double up. You have opened up a whole new suit world to me now. So many cute bottoms that are way to short.
    I ordered a swim top from ASOS last week similar to yours, but I had no clue how the sizing ran. Can you shed any insight on how these bikini tops run?

    Your a major babe! I can't wait to blog about my new suits. xx

    1. The tops are true to size. I ordered a 16 and my by inches runs a 16.

  51. I love ur style! I'm a fashion is taking as well! U gave me the confidence I need to wear a bathing suit this summer! Thanks for giving me that extra boost of confidence. U look amazing! ♡ ♡

  52. Team fat thighs. I know all to well.

  53. Team fat thighs. I know all to well.

  54. Hi,first you're beautiful!! Btw I know how you feel coz I spent years without going to the beach just for my body and I looked in a swim suit, but then I realised that it was me the problem, I wasn't enjoying my summer staying at home etc...so I grab my swimsuit and I tried, at the end it worked quite well :)
    But this year, I lost few (just few) pounds and I really don't like my tights..reading your post made my day, I felt..not alone in all this, so thank u!!!
    (sorry for my english...i'm italian XD)

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I hate my thighs & would so scared to wear something like this but it looks so nice on you

  57. YOU ma'am are perfect....ugh over love this look!!!!

  58. Loveee chastity, u've got so much confidence, and it motivates me to love myself even more. Thanks for sharing


  59. YES! I have never agreed with someone so whole heartedly. Thank you for this post! I also struggle with plus size high waisted bikini bottoms not really being high enough. I found those Lane Bryant bottoms and love them, but never thought about layering bottoms. Thanks for the tip!

  60. Love this look on you! High waisted bathing suit bottoms are my fav. Stay beautiful. xoAndra


  61. You look fabulous! Love that top knot too!

  62. Your look is fab!
    I love the swiming suits and I think you look gorgeous with the legs you have.
    I show my leggs when I wear swiming suits. It is important to love ourselves as we are.

  63. You are my biggest inspiration! Here I am thinking swim suits aren't for me because of my big legs and you're here showing me that it is and that I can wear what ever I want.. this made me cry because I wasted precious time worrying about something so trivial instead of going out and being awesome..every single one of your posts gives me confidence to be myself and for that a million thank yous!!!!

  64. I really like the two-piece on you. Love the bold look. If people don't want to look at your legs they can look in the other direction. What are you supposed to wear, a burkini? You're in the pool.

  65. Looking at you makes me want to cry. You're so incredibly beautiful. And yet, I have a very similar body and have been hiding it all of my adult life. I was so moved when you wrote about appreciating your working legs. That's what I need to do. I'm always hating my big thighs and arms and forgetting that I'm simply blessed to have them work at all! I vow to wear a swim suit this summer. And I promise to try to be even 1/10th as fabulous as you! #Flawless

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. I like fat thighs girl, coz they look more good other than slim girls, and shorts look so good on thighs, only the problem in sun. Because due to these rays, thighs have Sunburn Blisters

  68. Love it... Right on... Keep it up post more very helpful.. Thanks

  69. omg you are so cute!!!!! love it. all of it. really want your crop top and your bag. lol and you in the pool i needed that!! i was so nervous about going to the pool in LA but seeing how glamours you are im going!! xx

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